fröhliche ostern überall [happy easter everywhere]

Hello everyone!
This is my latest DT project to alexandra RENK

Egg-eating rabbit... It's so cute... I first colored it... Now I made it

The letter C-shaped wreath is really pretty...I think I'll always use it

The egg breaks in your head! Crazy ! :) 


Alexandra renke Dies _(Ti0040) Flower Bunny Ears

Alexandra renke Dies _(Ti0041)Bunny In Wreatht

Alexandra renke Dies _(Fl0096)Cherry Blossom Branch

Alexandra renke Dies _(Ba0083) Big Speech Bubbles Right

Alexandra renke Dies _Ty0116)Yeah-Stitches

Alexandra renke Clear Stamp (Os0008) Osterzauber

Alexandra renke Clear Stamp (Os0007)Bunte Ostern

Alexandra renke Designpaper (20.009)Calm Light Blue

Thank you for visiting the blog.

