Poinsettia 날짜: 12월 05, 2022 공유 링크 만들기 Facebook X Pinterest 이메일 기타 앱 This is my latest DT project to simplygraphicPoinsettia seems to have the joy of hanging out at a Christmas party.It is made every year, but it is a flower that makes my heart flutter every yearI uploaded a layer after a simple watercolor workUsedsimplygraphic Dies Étoile De Noëlsimplygraphic Dies Couronne De Baiessimplygraphic Clear Stamps Planche Ambiance FestiveThank you for visiting the blog.www.instagram.com/jiwonarts/www.youtube.com/c/JiwonJungwww.stampfarm.co.kr 댓글
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